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Under the unction of the Holy Spirit. Apostle Lorenzo D.Cox founded Prophetic Love Ministry in Chicago IL, In 1998. It is with clear vision and integral drive, Apostle Lorenzo D. Cox stays focused on developing the people of God. “It is his heart felt desire to not only Preach and teach the word of God but to help God people fulfill Their God given blood bought destiny through Christ Jesus “ Amen

 Prophetess Janine Cox greeting the people..


Assistant Pastor

Is a confidant woman of Integrity. 
One who speaks honestly, One who is trustworthy and fun to be around. These are just a few of the ways Coworkers, members describe this Invaluable woman of God. Pastor Janine C. Cox Exudes the joy of the Lord as she draws pleasure in serving the people of God in whatever capacity necessary.

Apostle DR. Lorenzo Cox and Prophetess Janine Cox
Prophetess Janine Cox
Comments (2)

Jun 13

You know I've been tryna reach u for the longest .. Who this u might ask? Lorenza David cox jr. Ya Sec oldest son

Jun 13
Replying to

(312) 480-3114 Lorenza

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